Walking the The Bibbulmun Track,Western Australia


Grandy's long walk 1

Ann and I had the pleasure of interviewing Linda Stanley after she had completed this 1000km walk in Australia.


Linda undertook this walk on her own. It took the best part of 8 weeks to complete and more than three months to prepare for.

Linda isn’t your average walker by any means.  She suffered some serious injuries, breaking her back in an accident. Being a somewhat determined lady she set about challenging herself  to literally get back on her feet again.

We interviewed Linda in her new home, a beautiful chestnut farm in Nannup, Western Australia. 

Linda’s web site can be found here…Chestnut Brae.

‘Grandy’s Long Walk’ is written for young children, superbly illustrated about her walk. 

Linda wrote the book out of a concern that children today are spending less and less time with nature. Spending instead more and more time in front of the small screen. She hopes to encourage more children to get outside. Discovering the same senses of wonder and joy of nature that she had experienced on her long walk in the forest.

Listen to her telling us all about this amazing journey.

You can listen to the interview with Linda here..Walking the The Bibbulmun Track

Bibbulmun Track.

We were so curious about this really long walk, that during our research we found some youtube videos of other people who travel from all over the world to walk this track.

Darren is one such person, he created  a video and kindly gave us permission to include it in this article. His video is just a part of the walk, you can view it here Bibbulmun track video  

Darren is raising money for Diabetes  you can see his web site here   Darren’s website

There is also a specialist web site filled with information for those who want to plan their own walk..The Bibbulman Track 

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